Hooray For Hootie
Hooray for Hootie! At last we have a real man who can resist the histrionics of the pushy feminists. It's so refreshing to know that somewhere there is an American man willing to stand his ground -- on any issue — and tell the feminists he … [Read more...] about Hooray For Hootie
Education Reporter — September 2002
Does Mayor Bloomberg Want To Leave A Legacy?
New York City schoolchildren start this fall's classes at a cost to the taxpayers of $11,000 per pupil. They will eat more school lunches (800,000) than any institution except the armed forces and ride on more buses than the city's public … [Read more...] about Does Mayor Bloomberg Want To Leave A Legacy?
Education Reporter — August 2002
NEA Conventioneers Continue their Mischief — August 2002
NEA Conventioneers Continue their Mischief The National Education Association (NEA) adopted several new goals at its annual convention held in Dallas over the long Fourth of July weekend. No, they don't have anything to do with … [Read more...] about NEA Conventioneers Continue their Mischief — August 2002
NEA Conventioneers Plot Anti-Voucher Action
The National Education Association (NEA) adopted several new goals at its annual convention held in Dallas over the long Fourth of July weekend. No, they don't have anything to do with improving schoolchildren's reading, writing or … [Read more...] about NEA Conventioneers Plot Anti-Voucher Action
Careers, Choices, Costs, and Biases
America's massive news gathering apparatus and round-the-clock coverage should have us surfeited with all the news that's important. Yet two liberal-leaning authors have just tackled a subject that has consistently been off-limits to public … [Read more...] about Careers, Choices, Costs, and Biases
Important Court Decisions On Schools
The atheists overplayed their hand. After their string of victories banning prayer and the Ten Commandments, they must have thought the time was ripe to get rid of God in the Pledge of Allegiance. But our country simply isn't going to stand for … [Read more...] about Important Court Decisions On Schools