The National Education Association (NEA), which usually passes a dozen or more pro-homosexual resolutions every year at its annual national convention, this year in San Diego went all-out in support of same-sex marriage. This emphasis on advocacy for … [Read more...] about The Radical Policies of the NEA — August 2009
Yes, Marriage Can Be Saved From the Gay Lobby
Since the April defeats for traditional marriage in the Iowa Supreme Court, the Vermont legislature, and the Washington, D.C. city council, Americans in the other 48 states are quietly stress-testing their legal defenses against the spread of … [Read more...] about Yes, Marriage Can Be Saved From the Gay Lobby
A Child’s Right To A Father And Mother
Debates about same-sex marriage and gay adoptions always include the argument that a child has the right to both a father and a mother. If that is true, why is a child usually deprived of that right when heterosexual couples divorce? It would seem … [Read more...] about A Child’s Right To A Father And Mother
What Cho Learned In The English Department
What was the motive behind 23-year-old Cho Seung-Hui's killing of 32 students and teachers at Virginia Tech? Why was he consumed with hate, resentment and bitterness? Cho was an English Department major and senior. As a frequent lecturer on … [Read more...] about What Cho Learned In The English Department
Who Defines American Culture? — December 2006
Who Defines American Culture? With all the public discussion about the values voters (whether they voted in the 2006 election or stayed home), the underlying question is, what is the role of government in defining our … [Read more...] about Who Defines American Culture? — December 2006
Gays Who Want To Censor Free Speech
Same-sex marriage is not the only goal of the gay rights movement. It's becoming clear that another goal is the suppression of Americans' First Amendment right to criticize the gay agenda. The gay lobby tried a broadside attempt to censor … [Read more...] about Gays Who Want To Censor Free Speech
Look Out For Supremacist Judges on Lower Federal Courts
Each year the Supreme Court grants fewer and fewer petitions for "cert," or review, and now hears only about half the cases it heard 25 years ago. This means that many lower federal court decisions are final. Because lower-court federal … [Read more...] about Look Out For Supremacist Judges on Lower Federal Courts
Anti-Parent Policies in Public Schools — August 2006
Anti-Parent Policies in Public Schools The NEA Moves Farther Left Parents who wonder why the public schools teach so many things parents don't approve of need look no further than the official policies of the nation's … [Read more...] about Anti-Parent Policies in Public Schools — August 2006
How Public Schools Have Changed
Parents are on the warpath about the way 63,000 public schools are now starting their fall term in August, some even in hot July. Thousands of parents have organized Save Our Summers campaigns, and protests in Georgia, North Carolina, Texas and … [Read more...] about How Public Schools Have Changed
Battle over Pro-Gay Curriculum Heats Up
A federal judge in Montgomery County, Maryland, has issued a temporary restraining order to stop the teaching of a sex-education course because it violates the First Amendment. I can't remember any other case in the last 30 years in which a judge … [Read more...] about Battle over Pro-Gay Curriculum Heats Up