The unemployment rate has climbed to nearly nine percent, the highest since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The plain fact is that there are not enough jobs to go around. However, the economic hardship of unemployment does not fall equally on … [Read more...] about Job Preference
How E.R.A. Will Hurt Men — May 1975
How E.R.A. Will Affect Athletics — April 1975
How E.R.A. Will Affect Churches And Private Schools — March 1975
How ERA Will Affect Our Local Police — February 1975
When the Gallup Poll recently issued its annual list of the ten most-admired men and women, one striking fact emerged. Nine out of the ten most-admired men and all the ten most-admired women turned out to be either politicians or wives of … [Read more...] about GALLUP’S LIST
ERA Will Doom Fraternities and Sororities — January 1975
A welcome piece of good news recently came out of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare when Peter E. Holmes, Director of the Office of Civil Rights, announced that colleges and universities should henceforth in all cases hire the most … [Read more...] about REVERSE DISCRIMINATION
E.R.A. Means Abortion and Population Shrinkage — December 1974
The Arkansas Study On E.R.A. — November 1974