… [Read more...] about E.R.A. and Women’s Colleges — February 1976
Person of the Year
For 48 years, TIME Magazine selected what it called the "Man of the Year," although in 1936 the person was Wallis Simpson, for whom the King of England gave up his throne, and in 1952 the person was Queen Elizabeth II. This year, in lieu of the … [Read more...] about Person of the Year
The Ripoff of the Taxpayers Known As: The Commission On International Women’s Year or, Bella Abzug’s Boondoggle — January 1976
Will E.R.A. Make Child-Care The State’s Job? — November 1975
Child-Care Responsibility – Family or State? — October 1975
MacMillan Guidelines
The Macmillan Publishing Company recently issued a booklet called "Guidelines for Creating Positive Sexual and Racial Images in Educational Materials."· Its purpose is to instruct authors in the use of sex-neutral language, concepts, and … [Read more...] about MacMillan Guidelines
Sexist Mischief in Schools and Colleges — September 1975
The Hypocrisy of ERA Proponents — July 1975
International Woman’s Year
How does the Federal bureaucracy fund new projects which Congress has not approved and for which Congress has not appropriated any money? A good example is provided by the way Federal tax dollars are currently being spent for International Women's … [Read more...] about International Woman’s Year
Big Money And Tough Tactics To Ratify E.R.A. — June 1975