Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending! Last November’s election was a mandate to cut federal spending — not just a wish for Balanced Budget Amendment promises, but a mandate to wield the ax. The American voters have finally awakened … [Read more...] about Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending! — February 1995
Character Is the Crucial Issue — January 1995
Character Is the Crucial Issue One byproduct of the sexual revolution starting in the 1960s is the change in the writing of biography. In earlier eras, it was considered ungentlemanly to reveal the sexual adventures of prominent persons. Friendly … [Read more...] about Character Is the Crucial Issue — January 1995
The Feminists Have a Terrible Identity Crisis — December 1994
The Feminists Have a Terrible Identity Crisis Two years ago, the feminists marched into Washington, D.C. under the banner "The Year of the Woman." They made confident predictions that they were inventing not only a new kind of government and … [Read more...] about The Feminists Have a Terrible Identity Crisis — December 1994
Whatever Happened to the Year of the Woman?
Have you noticed what's missing from media pre-election comment? Nobody's talking about "the Year of the Woman" or the "Gender Gap," both of which always were slogans to advance the ideology and the candidates of the radical feminist … [Read more...] about Whatever Happened to the Year of the Woman?
Look Who’s Teaching Our Children! — September 1994
Gender Equity is Just More Pork
It isn't just the Crime bill that is Christmas-treed for special interest groups. A similar travesty exists in the big spending bill for elementary and secondary schools, S.1513. The section called "Equalization assistance, technical and other … [Read more...] about Gender Equity is Just More Pork
We Need Hearings on Double Standards
The media have finally discovered the bald truth about the feminists' campaign for gender equality. Thanks to Shannon Faulkner ' s lawsuit to get herself admitted to the Citadel, one of the toughest military schools in America, the whole world now … [Read more...] about We Need Hearings on Double Standards
The Feminists’ Hypocrisy and Double Standards
Those who say Republican leaders should focus on the "real issues" instead of on the Clintons' scandals are correct. There is plenty to say about Clinton's proposed takeover of the health care industry, the impending federal takeover of the … [Read more...] about The Feminists’ Hypocrisy and Double Standards
Colleges Should Display Warning Labels
Based on my visits to hundreds of college campuses, I believe that all colleges should be subject to Truth in Labeling requirements and should carry warning labels to advise teenagers what they are getting into. It takes extraordinary smarts, … [Read more...] about Colleges Should Display Warning Labels
Hillary Takes Some Hard Knocks
It's amusing to see how the liberal male newsmen and commentators have suddenly shed their inhibitions and started to criticize Hillary Rodham Clinton. Some say there has always been a taboo against criticizing First Ladies, but that didn't stop … [Read more...] about Hillary Takes Some Hard Knocks