Feminists Demand and Receive President Obama has repeatedly expressed his concern about our rising unemployment. The worst loss of jobs is in manufacturing, because building autos has gone overseas, and in construction, because the housing industry … [Read more...] about Where Are Obama’s New Jobs? — July 2009
College Student Alert: Beware of One-Party Classrooms
How can we explain continued public support for Barack Obama's extremist spending plans, even though it is painfully obvious that his much touted "remaking America" means mortgaging the financial future of young people with trillions of … [Read more...] about College Student Alert: Beware of One-Party Classrooms
Feminists Expect to Cash in With Barack Obama
The groups that elected Barack Obama are poised to cash in on their investment and the feminists are muscling to be first in line. The National Organization for Women (NOW), bragging that "we all worked hard to help elect" Obama, has … [Read more...] about Feminists Expect to Cash in With Barack Obama
Barack’s Bailout for Trial Lawyers
The jobless rate just hit its highest level in 16 years: 7.2 percent, which means more than 11 million Americans are unemployed. So the Democratic House responded by passing two bills making it more costly to hire workers. Barack Obama has been … [Read more...] about Barack’s Bailout for Trial Lawyers
Barack’s Bailout for Trial Lawyers
The jobless rate just hit its highest level in 16 years: 7.2 percent, which means more than 11 million Americans are unemployed. So the Democratic House responded by passing two bills making it more costly to hire workers. Barack Obama has been … [Read more...] about Barack’s Bailout for Trial Lawyers
Where Did the Reagan Votes Go in the 2008 Election?
Where did the super majority of votes gathered by Ronald Reagan in his Presidential campaigns go in 2008? Can they be reclaimed by future Republican candidates? Reagan's 1980 and 1984 victories were based on a coalition of three different … [Read more...] about Where Did the Reagan Votes Go in the 2008 Election?
Where Do We Go From Here? — November 2008
The 2008 election makes clear that Eagle Forum is needed more than ever before. We must rebuild the conservative movement that has been so badly fractured. That's our mission — we must be the leaders, and we are ready to lead. Members of Eagle Forum … [Read more...] about Where Do We Go From Here? — November 2008
Title IX Tied Our Hands at Olympics
The Olympics demonstrated again what competition, hard work and determination can produce, as numerous world records were shattered. American swimmer Michael Phelps and gymnast Nastia Liukin gave us much to cheer. But U.S. athletes won in spite of … [Read more...] about Title IX Tied Our Hands at Olympics
One Brave Judge Resists Feminist Agenda
A New Jersey judge recently confronted an issue that courts have been avoiding for years: are restraining orders constitutional? Accused criminals have "due process" and many other constitutional rights, but the feminists have persuaded … [Read more...] about One Brave Judge Resists Feminist Agenda
Rush: On Top Because of Courage
Rush Limbaugh's 20-year domination of talk radio is a remarkable testament to the durability of conservative ideas as well as to Rush's skill and courage in explaining controversial conservative principles in an entertaining style. Rush has … [Read more...] about Rush: On Top Because of Courage