It’s time we remind ourselves of a very important fact: we shouldn’t buy into the supposedly “conventional” wisdom that the Left is winning the culture wars. We have watched for years as the national media, public schools, pop … [Read more...] about Polls Show the Left Is Not Winning Culture Wars
Conservatives for Property Rights
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: JUNE 20, 2017CONTACT: RYAN HITE, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR O 314.721.1213 / RYAN@PHYLLISSCHLAFLY.COM Conservatives for Property Rights Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund joins other … [Read more...] about Conservatives for Property Rights
Defeating the “Dignity Tax”
Tax policy and social security might not have the same draw to Americans that other issues have. When the “social” issues come up, such as abortion and marriage, many conservatives are much more quick to voice their opinions. Likewise, … [Read more...] about Defeating the “Dignity Tax”
Feminists’ “Three Tactics” Still Used Today
By February 1978, proponents of the Equal Rights Amendment were becoming desperate. They had successfully ramrodded thirty state ratifications in the first year of the seven-year period given before ERA would expire. As other state legislatures … [Read more...] about Feminists’ “Three Tactics” Still Used Today
The “Battle of Midway” for the Pro-Family Movement
Even by December 1977, Phyllis Schlafly’s life had been filled with excitement and adventure. She had written nine books, one of which sold three million copies and launched the conservative movement. She had been an active part of seven … [Read more...] about The “Battle of Midway” for the Pro-Family Movement
The Darkness of the Women’s March
President Trump’s inaugural address was well received by the people who voted for him, but the media reacted with predictable hostility as the plain-spoken non-politician repeated the themes he used so successfully during the campaign. … [Read more...] about The Darkness of the Women’s March
How Trump Can Win the Women’s Vote
As Donald Trump enters the stretch run of his campaign for president, who would have predicted that his major proposal would be an ingenious plan to help mothers of young children? Instead of a weak echo of Democratic talking points, Trump’s … [Read more...] about How Trump Can Win the Women’s Vote
Phyllis Schlafly, 1924-2016
Phyllis Schlafly was with us a glorious 92 years, and active in politics for more than 70 of them. It is difficult to identify any issue that she was not on the right side of, typically years or decades before others rallied beside her. She wrote or … [Read more...] about Phyllis Schlafly, 1924-2016
Reflections by John Schlafly
Remarks delivered by John Schlafly at the funeral of his mother, Phyllis Schlafly, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis on September 10, 2016: When my father, Fred Schlafly, reached the age of 75, and realized he could no longer compete in the … [Read more...] about Reflections by John Schlafly
Republicans and Democrats on Women in Combat
The subject of women in the military was addressed by both political parties at their national conventions last month, and it’s no surprise that Republicans and Democrats came to diametrically opposite conclusions. After the two parties adopted … [Read more...] about Republicans and Democrats on Women in Combat