Over the past decades of declining public school excellence and increasing public school crime, many parents have chosen the expensive option of transferring to private schools or the time-consuming option of homeschooling. Many more have remained in … [Read more...] about Parents Are Starting to Win School Victories
Beware Of The Phonics Conspiracy
When Hillary Rodham Clinton charged that Bill Clinton's impeachment was caused by a "vast right-wing conspiracy," she displayed the typical paranoia of liberals. It's not just Watergate and Iran-Contra that nurture their faith in plots; liberals … [Read more...] about Beware Of The Phonics Conspiracy
Education Reporter — August 1999
Decoding The NEA Resolutions
President Bill Clinton's earliest and most steadfast supporters, the members of the National Education Association (NEA), met in Orlando over the Fourth of July to pass their usual list of radical resolutions. Unlike Party platforms, which are often … [Read more...] about Decoding The NEA Resolutions
Decoding the NEA Resolutions — August 1999
Decoding the NEA Resolutions The nation's largest teachers union, the National Education Association (NEA), met for its annual convention in Orlando, Florida, over the Fourth of July weekend. Some of its radical resolutions are excerpted … [Read more...] about Decoding the NEA Resolutions — August 1999
The Consequences of Sex Education
The Washington Post shook up its readers last week with a front page news story about sex practices in an affluent Virginia middle school. The school principal notified the parents that 13 and 14 year olds were getting together for sexual activity in … [Read more...] about The Consequences of Sex Education
Education Reporter — July 1999
Court Bans Bizarre Curriculum in New York Schools
Parents have won another remarkable victory over the psychological abuse of children that takes place in public school classrooms. It isn't the court decision that's so remarkable; it's the evidence of what was actually going on inside the … [Read more...] about Court Bans Bizarre Curriculum in New York Schools
Parents Win Victory Over Nosy Surveys
Parents have just won a tremendous legal victory over the widespread public school practice of forcing students to answer nosy, privacy-invading questions about themselves and their families. The U.S. District Court in San Antonio, Texas, has signed … [Read more...] about Parents Win Victory Over Nosy Surveys
Education Reporter — June 1999