California’s Problems Not Just About Power
Although California decisively defeated a school voucher initiative on the ballot last November, its legislature may have done more to promote school choice than the defeated proposal could have done. Two controversial California state laws, enacted … [Read more...] about California’s Problems Not Just About Power
Who Decides What Drugs Are Forced on Children? — February 2001
Who Decides What Drugs Are Forced on Children? All children must be injected with dozens of vaccines before entering school or daycare, and some of these injections are given to infants within the first weeks or even hours of birth. … [Read more...] about Who Decides What Drugs Are Forced on Children? — February 2001
Cui Bono in Vaccine Mandate
A recent issue of JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association, 12-27-00) reports on a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study that supports the widespread policy of forcing all children to be vaccinated in order to enter daycare or school. It … [Read more...] about Cui Bono in Vaccine Mandate
Education Reporter — January 2001
A Conservative Agenda for the 107th Congress — January 2001
A Conservative Agenda for the 107th Congress Since Bill Clinton stuck his finger in the eye of all who care about American sovereignty and constitutional rights by signing the International Criminal Court (ICC) Treaty on New Year's … [Read more...] about A Conservative Agenda for the 107th Congress — January 2001
What’s At Stake In Education Committee Chairmanship?
As members of Congress are jockeying for chairmanships in the 107th Congress, the committees that handle big money seem to get all the headlines, but the Education chairmanship may ultimately have the most influence on policy. Public opinion surveys … [Read more...] about What’s At Stake In Education Committee Chairmanship?
Education Reporter — December 2001
Commercialism Is Rampant In The Schools
Is your schoolchild watching too much television? Eating too many junk foods and drinks instead of what's healthy? Nagging you to buy expensive sneakers? Too easily swayed by advertising? If so, why are the schools encouraging all those … [Read more...] about Commercialism Is Rampant In The Schools
Education Reporter — November 2000