Education Reporter — June 2001
Guess What’s Going On In School!
While the education debate in Congress revolves around standards, testing, accountability and spending, 3,000 miles away on the Left Coast, very different factors have leapt to center stage. Santa Rosa (CA) High School held a "Week of … [Read more...] about Guess What’s Going On In School!
Education Reporter — May 2001
Education Reporter — April 2001
Bush Judicial Appointees Should Be Pro-Parent
When President George W. Bush gets around to appointing federal judges, the issue of parental rights should be a major criterion. One model for what this means is contained in the principles recently outlined by the Wyoming Supreme Court. In two … [Read more...] about Bush Judicial Appointees Should Be Pro-Parent
Education Reporter — March 2001
Dumbing Down and Developing Diversity — March 2001
Dumbing Down and Developing Diversity Dumbing Down Tests Tests, standards and accountability are the watchwords for public school education reform. Such good words! Can they do the job? Unfortunately, the testing system has been … [Read more...] about Dumbing Down and Developing Diversity — March 2001
Why Tests and Standards Can’t Solve School Problems
Tests, standards and accountability are being advocated as the solution to the problems of public school education. Those are such good words; why can't they do the job? The testing system has been corrupted. Under the 1997 revision of the … [Read more...] about Why Tests and Standards Can’t Solve School Problems
Kansas Dumbs Down Science to Promote Evolution
Liberals have long realized that, if they can win the battle over what is taught in schools, they will win elections. While they claim to believe in free speech, they often have little tolerance for alternate points of view in the schools. In 1999, … [Read more...] about Kansas Dumbs Down Science to Promote Evolution