NEA Conventioneers Continue their Mischief — August 2002
NEA Conventioneers Continue their Mischief The National Education Association (NEA) adopted several new goals at its annual convention held in Dallas over the long Fourth of July weekend. No, they don't have anything to do with … [Read more...] about NEA Conventioneers Continue their Mischief — August 2002
NEA Conventioneers Plot Anti-Voucher Action
The National Education Association (NEA) adopted several new goals at its annual convention held in Dallas over the long Fourth of July weekend. No, they don't have anything to do with improving schoolchildren's reading, writing or … [Read more...] about NEA Conventioneers Plot Anti-Voucher Action
Important Court Decisions On Schools
The atheists overplayed their hand. After their string of victories banning prayer and the Ten Commandments, they must have thought the time was ripe to get rid of God in the Pledge of Allegiance. But our country simply isn't going to stand for … [Read more...] about Important Court Decisions On Schools
Education Reporter — July 2002
Homeschooling Has Come A Long Way
My psychological batteries were just recharged by attending a remarkable convention of Florida homeschoolers in Orlando. The 10,000 conventioneers who overflowed the Gaylord Palms Resort should have been serenaded with “You've come a long way, … [Read more...] about Homeschooling Has Come A Long Way
Another Immigration Loophole: 245(i)
The watchword of the Bush Administration's education reform is accountability. To receive federal funds, everyone in education must be accountable: teachers, students and schools. But whatever happened to accountability when it comes to border … [Read more...] about Another Immigration Loophole: 245(i)
Education Reporter — June 2002
Education Reporter — May 2002
Education Reporter — April 2002