Education Reporter — August 2003
Teaching History: Fact or Fiction?
In rare moments when Congress isn't preoccupied with the war, taxes or prescription drugs, Congress is worrying that American students don't know any American history. Congress is right to worry because this is true, but it doesn't follow … [Read more...] about Teaching History: Fact or Fiction?
Who Controls Education Policies? — August 2003
Who Controls Education Policies? Caving in on Title IX The Bush Administration has just re-affirmed the Clintonian feminists' Title IX outrages, which impose a gender quota-like system on college sports. The feminists … [Read more...] about Who Controls Education Policies? — August 2003
NEA Gears Up To Elect Democrats
Tropical Storm Bill roared into New Orleans this summer carrying in its tailwind 10,000 convention delegates who purport to represent 2.7 million members of the National Education Association. They call themselves "the world's largest … [Read more...] about NEA Gears Up To Elect Democrats
Who Really Failed: Students Or The System?
All over the country, students, their parents and teachers are in an uproar about the tens of thousands who flunked the test designated as the requirement for high school graduation. Threats of withholding diplomas have brought out accusations, … [Read more...] about Who Really Failed: Students Or The System?
Education Reporter — July 2003
Education Reporter — June 2003
Education Reporter — May 2003
Who Pays for Feminist Policies? — May 2003
Who Pays for Feminist Policies? The face of war is never pretty, but this time war showed us images we have never seen before. We saw pictures of mothers being sent to Iraq to fight one of the cruelest regimes in the world. What is the … [Read more...] about Who Pays for Feminist Policies? — May 2003