Supremacist Judges Are Running Our Schools
Traditionally Republican Kansas, of all places, is the latest battleground in the judges' grab for supremacy over the other branches of government. The Kansas judges are unmoved by the fact that Kansans voted for President Bush who campaigned … [Read more...] about Supremacist Judges Are Running Our Schools
Making Schools Accountable
Are taxpayer-subsidized infomercials and payoffs to friendly commentators the federal government's answer to education problems? The U.S. Education Department's secret million-dollar taxpayer-financed marketing campaign to sell the No Child … [Read more...] about Making Schools Accountable
Education Reporter — January 2005
Conservative Agenda for 2005 — January 2005
Conservative Agenda for 2005 Conservative voters gave Republican politicians their best Christmas in at least half a century, conferring majorities at nearly all levels of government. Now, what will the politicians give the voters … [Read more...] about Conservative Agenda for 2005 — January 2005
Education Reporter — December 2004
Education Reporter — November 2004
Trying To Teach Kids History
The flap over the Department of Education consigning 300,000 copies of "Helping Your Child to Learn History" to the dumpster is evidence anew that the Federal Government should have no role in education. Illiteracy and low scores in public … [Read more...] about Trying To Teach Kids History