Education Reporter — September 2007
NEA Lists Its Goals and Democrats Agree — September 2007
Some critics have complained that the issue of education has been conspicuously absent from presidential television debates. But the Democratic candidates did sound off about their pro-federal-government, pro-spending policies when addressing the … [Read more...] about NEA Lists Its Goals and Democrats Agree — September 2007
The Latest Fad In Public Schools
Every few years a new fad sweeps across the public schools. We've had self-esteem, new math, whole language, New Age, outcome-based education, school-to-work, mental health screening, school-based clinics, global education, diversity, … [Read more...] about The Latest Fad In Public Schools
The NEA Lists Its Goals And Democrats Agree
Some critics have complained that the issue of education has been conspicuously absent from presidential television debates. But the Democratic candidates did sound off with their pro-federal-government, pro-spending policies when addressing the … [Read more...] about The NEA Lists Its Goals And Democrats Agree
Education Reporter — August 2007
Look Out For Another Big Spending Boondoggle
A new grab for power over education now lurking in the corridors of Congress reminds me of a song popular in the Harry James/Frank Sinatra era: "I've Heard That Song Before." Section 3401, inserted by the Senate (but not the House) in … [Read more...] about Look Out For Another Big Spending Boondoggle
Education Reporter — July 2007
Advice For Education Secretary Spellings
Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, please call your boss and urge him to read your May 9 speech to the National Summit on America's Silent Epidemic in Washington, DC. Your eloquence in describing the silent epidemic was exceeded only by … [Read more...] about Advice For Education Secretary Spellings
Education Reporter — June 2007