Just a few years ago, the principal problems on the college campuses and in the schools were demonstrations, sit-ins, and property destruction of the burn-down-the-ROTC-building variety. Today, the principal problem is violent crime: murder, rape, … [Read more...] about CRIME IN SCHOOLS
The recent horrible crime in Boston, when six youths poured gasoline over a 24-year-old woman and burned her to death, is proof again that many of our young people do not believe in the Ten Commandments and are not morally educated enough to live in … [Read more...] about MORALITY IN SCHOOLS
ERA Won’t Help Women In Education — September 1973
It’s Better To Light One Candle — April 1972
Two History Lessons For American Youth
Excerpt from the March 1971 Phyllis Schlafly Report Have you been to the movies lately? You should have. The past year has given us two of the most excellent films ever produced -- and they are educational "musts" for all the young people you know … [Read more...] about Two History Lessons For American Youth
Parents and Taxpayers Have Rights, Too — October 1970
The Hard Hats Versus The Soft Heads — June 1970
The Hard Hats Versus The Soft Heads The struggle going on in America today can be aptly described as the hard hats versus the soft heads. The hard hats used to be part of the silent majority -- but now are silent no longer. They are willing to go … [Read more...] about The Hard Hats Versus The Soft Heads — June 1970
Why Don’t Conservatives Do Their Homework? — February 1970
Haynsworth Vote Is Opportunity To Reform Supreme Court — December 1969
The Solution For Obscenity — October 1969