In 1960 the winning presidential candidate, John F. Kennedy, went to great pains to put distance between himself and his church and to reassure every questioner that his religion would never interfere with his judgment as President. His campaign … [Read more...] about Religion in Politics
The Teaching of Writing
In our current era of consumerism, it is a wonder that Ralph Nadar or some public interest law firm hasn't investigated the shoddiest consumer product or service on the market today -- the teaching of writing by the public schools. When Detroit … [Read more...] about The Teaching of Writing
Grime and Punishment — March 1976
Agatha Christie
It is fortunate that equal employment quotas have never been enforced on the writing business, because world opinion has cheerfully enjoyed a persistent discrimination by book publishers in favor of one elderly woman who died recently at the age of … [Read more...] about Agatha Christie
The Cure for the Problem of the Schools — February 1976
Short Work Weeks
When federal, state or local governments are faced with the awful necessity of cutting down expenditures, their customary reaction is to cut off essential services first, so as to force the taxpayers to cough up more money. It was a breath of fresh … [Read more...] about Short Work Weeks
Evanston School Idea
The American consumer has benefited greatly from our competitive economic system which constantly induces business rivals to produce better products at cheaper prices. The competition among calculator manufacturers has surely given us better and … [Read more...] about Evanston School Idea
Tax Deduction for Schools
Do you know that, if you put your child in a child-care center or in a nursery school, you may deduct up to $4,800 a year on your federal income tax, but if you send your child to a private school, you are not permitted to deduct even. one … [Read more...] about Tax Deduction for Schools
Federal Courts
As we begin to celebrate the 200th anniversary of our country, it is well to reflect on the unique checks and balances in our Constitution. The Founding Fathers took great care to prevent either the Executive Branch or the Congress from becoming too … [Read more...] about Federal Courts
Forced Busing
How much longer are the American people going to put up with the unjust, unnecessary, tyrannical court-ordered forced busing of our school children? Busing certainly has not improved race relations. It has caused the most bitter racial strife and … [Read more...] about Forced Busing