Suicide Courses are Dangerous to Your Child’s Health
Two separate new studies have just concluded that suicide curricula in the schools and made-for-television movies about teen suicide do more harm than good. The evidence produced by these two research projects knocks the props out from under one of … [Read more...] about Suicide Courses are Dangerous to Your Child’s Health
So That’s Where Our Tax Money Goes! — January 1991
Education Reporter — December 1990
Guidelines to Check Up on Drug Education
Is education the answer to our social ills? Is the drug problem informational or behavioral? Put more bluntly, is classroom drug education a plus, a minus, or a zero? Shortly before Drug Czar William Bennett resigned, someone asked him if drug … [Read more...] about Guidelines to Check Up on Drug Education
Education Reporter — November 1990
How Children Develop Values — November 1990
Education Reporter — October 1990
Turning School Desks into Psychiatrists’ Couches
The fall school semester is in full swing but, instead of addressing the need to raise the 21-year-low of SAT scores, psychiatry has invaded the classroom and children are being inflicted with courses in “self-esteem” or “self-concept.” Many Texas … [Read more...] about Turning School Desks into Psychiatrists’ Couches
Banned Books Week
Of all the “weeks” that are proclaimed by government or private organizations, the silliest is “Banned Book Week” announced each fall by the American Library Association (ALA). All over the country last week, conspiracy-minded librarians used … [Read more...] about Banned Books Week