Education Reporter — March 1993
The New World Order Wants Your Children — March 1993
Education Reporter — February 1993
The New Fad: Outcome-Based Education
“Who owns the children?” asks Peg Luksik of Johnstown, founder and chairman of a parents’ advocacy group called the Pennsylvania Parents Commission. “Who determines what values, attitudes, and beliefs they should hold?” That's the question … [Read more...] about The New Fad: Outcome-Based Education
Education Reporter — January 1993
The Arrogance of the Public School Establishment — January 1993
The Arrogance of the Public School Establishment
Just suppose that the so-called Religious Right placed one of its own as superintendent of the New York public school system, who then tried to install a curriculum disparaging homosexuality or depicting the “Ozzie and Harriet” family as society's … [Read more...] about The Arrogance of the Public School Establishment
Education Reporter — December 1992
School Outrages in Michigan
The determination of the Michigan public school establishment to force classroom discussions of explicit sex on children is astounding. The Michigan public schools have no regard for parental rights, no regard for the child’s latency period, and no … [Read more...] about School Outrages in Michigan