"I want each and every one of you to know with certainty that, when you stand up to the privatizers and the voucher pushers, you'll have behind you every bit of support that this organization can muster." That "every bit of support" started with a … [Read more...] about The NEA Steps Up its Anti-Parent Policies
Joycelyn Elders is a Bad Choice
"I want each and every one of you to know with certainty that, when you stand up to the privatizers and the voucher pushers, you'll have behind you every bit of support that this organization can muster." That "every bit of support" started with a … [Read more...] about Joycelyn Elders is a Bad Choice
Education Reporter — July 1993
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Feminist World View — July 1993
Education Reporter — June 1993
Public School Attacks on Parents
The public school establishment has launched an all-out attack on parents and taxpayers who presume to make any criticism of offensive curriculum content or poor academic results. Armed with an arsenal of epithets and hot-button smear words such as … [Read more...] about Public School Attacks on Parents
Conspiring to Milk the Federal Treasury
Ever wonder why the more tax money we allow the politicians to take from us, the more they devise ingenious ways to spend still more? A good example is what's happening to Medicaid, the program intended to provide health care for poor people. … [Read more...] about Conspiring to Milk the Federal Treasury
What’s Wrong with Outcome-Based Education?
Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is sweeping the country in the name of school "restructuring," but it has parents even more agitated than they are about explicit sex education. OBE would bring about a complete change in the way children are taught, … [Read more...] about What’s Wrong with Outcome-Based Education?
Education Reporter — May 1993
What’s Wrong With Outcome-Based Education? — May 1993