Should Schools Become Parents of Preschoolers?
A battle in the Illinois General Assembly this year exposed the far-reaching goal of the public school system to bring under its jurisdiction all children beginning at birth, and to do this without any procedure that can reasonably be described as … [Read more...] about Should Schools Become Parents of Preschoolers?
Should Self Esteem Replace the 3 R’s?
Elementary school children may no longer be taught to read and write, but they will almost surely be given one of the trendy new psychological courses in self-esteem. Self-esteem is supposed to be the magic bullet that will cure all school and social … [Read more...] about Should Self Esteem Replace the 3 R’s?
Education Reporter — November 1993
Education Reporter — October 1993
Shenanigans of the Clinton Administration — October 1993
How the Schools Betrayed Our Children
"Nearly half of U.S. population are poor readers, survey says." "Two-t hirds of U.S. children read below their grade level, study finds." Those September newspaper headlines reveal a supreme American tragedy. The National Adult Literacy Survey, … [Read more...] about How the Schools Betrayed Our Children
Education Reporter — September 1993
Look Out! Here Comes Another Expensive “Reform”!
Any time you hear the word "reform" out of the mouths of liberals, look out. It usually means gold-plating the same old bureaucracy and it always means lots more spending. That surely describes President Clinton's "education reform" bill, called … [Read more...] about Look Out! Here Comes Another Expensive “Reform”!
The NEA Steps Up Its Anti-Parent Politics — September 1993