English Should Be Our Official Language — December 1995
English Should Be Our Official Language An American who emigrates to France does not become a Frenchman, no matter how long he lives there. Likewise for other countries. But people come to America from all over the world and they become … [Read more...] about English Should Be Our Official Language — December 1995
Education Reporter — November 1995
Education Reporter — October 1995
Are All Children “At Risk”?
A new mantra has crept into the stream of discourse about government's role in social services. Identified as an African proverb, it is, "It takes a whole village to raise a child." This statement is false, if not ridiculous. It takes a family, … [Read more...] about Are All Children “At Risk”?
Is the Government Planning Your Child’s Career?
Republican Presidential candidates criss-crossing the country have discovered that one of their best hot-button applause lines is "I promise to abolish the Department of Education." Out in the byways of America, parents know that public schools are a … [Read more...] about Is the Government Planning Your Child’s Career?
Are All Our Children “At Risk”? — October 1995
Are All Our Children "At Risk"? A state task force proclaimed this month that "there is a crisis in California that demands our immediate attention." No, it's not an earthquake or a hurricane or a fire. The crisis is that … [Read more...] about Are All Our Children “At Risk”? — October 1995
The New Crisis in California
A state task force has just proclaimed that "there is a crisis in California that demands our immediate attention." No, it's not an earthquake or a hurricane or a fire. It's the crisis that California's experiment in "progressive" teaching … [Read more...] about The New Crisis in California
Education Reporter — September 1995
Let’s Abolish the Department of Education — September 1995
Let's Abolish the Department of Education Abolishing the Department of Education was one of Ronald Reagan's campaign promises when he ran for President in 1980. Fulfilling that promise is long overdue, and the time to do it is … [Read more...] about Let’s Abolish the Department of Education — September 1995