Education Reporter — April 2013
Education Reporter — March 2013
Education Reporter — February 2013
Education Reporter — January 2013
Education Reporter — December 2012
Like ObamaCare, Obama Core Is Another Power Grab
When we list the areas that Barack Obama wants to “fundamentally transform” as he promised before his 2008 election, let’s not overlook his plans for education. They are as fundamentally transformational, costly and dictatorial as … [Read more...] about Like ObamaCare, Obama Core Is Another Power Grab
Education Reporter — September 2012
Common Core Standards For Public Schools: A Bad Idea
The No Child Left Behind Act, which allowed states to set their own public school standards for "proficiency," is opposed and considered a failure by all factions in the education world. Therefore, we obviously should force all kids in … [Read more...] about Common Core Standards For Public Schools: A Bad Idea
Singing Heil Obama in New Jersey
Red alert to parents: If you send your children to a public school, they may be secretly indoctrinated in the cult of Obama-worship. If that's not your plan for your children, you had better act now, before it's too late. We now know … [Read more...] about Singing Heil Obama in New Jersey