Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · June 8 | The Real Culprits In The Student Loan Crisis The student loan crisis has reached epidemic levels, as evidenced by more than $1.7 trillion in outstanding debt. No one denies the problem. However, the left … [Read more...] about The Real Culprits In The Student Loan Crisis
#WYNK: Biden Forgives Student Loans
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · #WYNK: Biden Forgives Student Loans | June 2, 2022 #ProAmericaReport The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Ed Martin here on The Pro America Report. Another great show … [Read more...] about #WYNK: Biden Forgives Student Loans
The Ivory Tower Disconnect on Inflation
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · May 31 | The Ivory Tower Disconnect on Inflation The disconnect between the university elites and the rest of us never ceases to amaze me. From their ivory towers of tenured bliss, they dispense wisdom on all of us little … [Read more...] about The Ivory Tower Disconnect on Inflation
What’s Happening on College Campuses?
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · May 12 | What's Happening on College Campuses? ** Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // May 2015 ** Who would have thought, only a few years ago, that our First Amendment right of free speech would be … [Read more...] about What’s Happening on College Campuses?
Biden’s Vote-Buying Scheme: Shift Student Debt to Taxpayers
As the midterm elections fast approach, Democrats have lost a key demographic that they relied on in 2020: college-educated men. The biggest defections from the Democrat Party since the last election have been by this group, amid an overall decline … [Read more...] about Biden’s Vote-Buying Scheme: Shift Student Debt to Taxpayers
When Will We Cancel Darwin?
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · April 29 | When Will We Cancel Darwin? For those of you who haven’t heard, cancel culture is the latest trend among leftist corporations, politicians, and academics. To take down their political opponents, they dig up … [Read more...] about When Will We Cancel Darwin?
Where We Are As a Nation | 04.25.2022 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know about where we are as a nation! Armstrong Williams joins the ProAmericaReport today to help give today’s WYNK. Armstrong is a political pundit, entrepreneur, columnist, & TV host of the Armstrong Williams show. He shares … [Read more...] about Where We Are As a Nation | 04.25.2022 #ProAmericaReport
The NCAA Is Mocking Womanhood
For Immediate Release: March 21, 2022Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Women's College Swimming Crowned an Un-Spectacular Male Swimmer as Champion Washington, D.C.: "The National Collegiate Athletic Association is openly mocking … [Read more...] about The NCAA Is Mocking Womanhood
Leftist Students Call Free Speech Violence
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · February 28 | Leftist Students Call Free Speech Violence It is always dangerous when people engaged in political dialogue try to redefine key terms to suit their own agenda. This practice was featured prominently in … [Read more...] about Leftist Students Call Free Speech Violence
Infrastructure Bills: Socialism on Steroids
Under the innocuous title of “infrastructure,” a revamping of our society into a socialist state is hurtling through the Senate. A vote is expected as early as Wednesday on the first of two infrastructure bills that constitute a federal takeover of … [Read more...] about Infrastructure Bills: Socialism on Steroids