… [Read more...] about Has Education Lost Its Purpose? — September 1975
Theories of Creation
Many newspaper articles and television segments in the past few weeks have marked the fiftieth anniversary of the famous Scopes trial in Tennessee -- that dramatic courtroom confrontation between the theory of evolution according to Darwin and … [Read more...] about Theories of Creation
How E.R.A. Will Affect Athletics — April 1975
How E.R.A. Will Affect Churches And Private Schools — March 1975
ERA Will Doom Fraternities and Sororities — January 1975
A welcome piece of good news recently came out of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare when Peter E. Holmes, Director of the Office of Civil Rights, announced that colleges and universities should henceforth in all cases hire the most … [Read more...] about REVERSE DISCRIMINATION
The U.S. branch of the Socialist International recently held a convention in New York City. Under the chairmanship of Bayard Rustin, the Socialists mapped ambitious plans to work through the Democratic Party and the unions in order to achieve the … [Read more...] about REJECTION OF SOCIALISM
It used to be that the primary purpose of American schools was to train our young people in certain skills such as reading and arithmetic, to impart knowledge such as history and geography, and to build character so they would develop into useful … [Read more...] about PRIORITIES IN EDUCATION
Millions of television viewers who watched the Democratic National Convention of 1972 were shocked to see the advocates of homosexuality speaking during precious prime—time hours. The occasion was the discussion of the party platform, and the plank … [Read more...] about HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS
The United States spends more per student on education than any other nation. Our magnificent education facilities, school buildings, gymnasiums, laboratories, college campuses, endowments and scholarships are the envy of the world. Yet, something is … [Read more...] about MORAL EDUCATION NEEDED