Those who just learned about the dumbing down of our best colleges from the slashing report of the National Association of Scholars should do their homework by reading some of the excellent books written during the last several years. Allan Bloom's … [Read more...] about Books About What’s Going On At Colleges
The Dumbing Down Of America’s Colleges
The 1996 Governors Education Summit at Palisades, New York, spent two days discussing "standards" for what students should learn in public schools. Longtime American Federation of Teachers president Al Shanker gave this concept a reality check. He … [Read more...] about The Dumbing Down Of America’s Colleges
The Dumbing Down of America’s Colleges — April 1996
The Dumbing Down of America's Colleges Finally, a prestigious group of college professors has come right out and said that the emperor (i.e., the Imperial University) has no clothes. Many have long suspected that college education has been … [Read more...] about The Dumbing Down of America’s Colleges — April 1996
Colleges Should Display Warning Labels — April 1994
Clinton’s National Servitude Bill
President Clinton's national "servitude" bill is a misguided effort which promises to make it easier for young people to afford college. Mounting evidence suggests that we are sending too many of them to college already. At least 35 percent of … [Read more...] about Clinton’s National Servitude Bill
It’s Time to Defund Campus Radicalism
The California State Supreme Court stood tall for the First Amendment when it ruled last month that the University of California at Berkeley may no longer force students to pay student activity fees that are spent to fund political groups or to … [Read more...] about It’s Time to Defund Campus Radicalism
What’s Happening on College Campuses? — May 1992
How College Students are Cheated
George Bush and Bill Clinton both want to direct more federal funding to college students. But if the money is spent on worthless courses and political indoctrination, everyone will be the worse off. The majority of college students today take … [Read more...] about How College Students are Cheated
What’s That About Affirmative Action Quotas?
The scandal about Affirmative Action quotas is not only that they are unjust, but that those engaged in this practice have been lying about it and covering it up. The practice of “race norming” under which the government secretly adds points to the … [Read more...] about What’s That About Affirmative Action Quotas?
What Does School Choice Mean? — May 1991