A survey of British teenagers recently reported that a fifth of under-twenties kids believe Winston Churchill, Richard the Lionheart and Florence Nightingale were fictional characters, but that Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes and King Arthur were real … [Read more...] about What’s Happened to College History and English? — March 2008
College Not Necessary for Many New Careers
U.S. News & World Report, which has made a name for itself by ranking and announcing the Best Colleges every year, is now ranking and listing the Best Careers for young people. A comparison of the latest lists shows a shocking disconnect and … [Read more...] about College Not Necessary for Many New Careers
Let’s Protect American Sovereignty — January 2008
The Outrageous WTO WTO now stands for World Trade Outrage rather than its original name, World Trade Organization. The WTO just ruled that the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda can freely violate American copyrights and trademarks in order to … [Read more...] about Let’s Protect American Sovereignty — January 2008
Advice To College Students: Don’t Major In English
The bad news is that Shakespeare has disappeared from required courses in English departments at more than three-fourths of the top 25 U.S. universities, but the good news is that only 1.6 percent of America's 19 million undergraduates major in … [Read more...] about Advice To College Students: Don’t Major In English
What Cho Learned In The English Department
What was the motive behind 23-year-old Cho Seung-Hui's killing of 32 students and teachers at Virginia Tech? Why was he consumed with hate, resentment and bitterness? Cho was an English Department major and senior. As a frequent lecturer on … [Read more...] about What Cho Learned In The English Department
What Colleges Don’t Teach
Education Secretary Margaret Spellings says that the Federal Government needs some accountability for the billions of dollars the taxpayers pour into university education. That's right, we do; but her plan, to set up a national database to track … [Read more...] about What Colleges Don’t Teach
What Colleges Teach — and Don’t Teach — April 2007
What Colleges Teach — and Don't Teach Education Secretary Margaret Spellings says that the Federal Government needs some accountability for the billions of dollars the taxpayers pour into university education. That's right, … [Read more...] about What Colleges Teach — and Don’t Teach — April 2007
Radical Agendas on College Campuses — April 2006
Radical Agendas on College Campuses Assistant Education Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe has announced that the Bush Administration is investigating universities that have fewer women in science and math programs than feminists … [Read more...] about Radical Agendas on College Campuses — April 2006
The Feminists Continue Their War Against Men — February 2006
The Feminists Continue Their War Against Men Double Standards about Child Care When the feminist movement burst onto the American social scene in the 1970s, the rallying cry was “liberation.” The feminists demanded … [Read more...] about The Feminists Continue Their War Against Men — February 2006
Congressional Chicanery About H-1B Visas
"Why is it taking you five years to get through college?" I asked a student attending one of my campus lectures. "Because I changed my major from computer science to accounting after I discovered there are almost no jobs available for … [Read more...] about Congressional Chicanery About H-1B Visas