Joahannes Gutenberg invented the first moveable type printing press. His masterpiece, the Gutenberg Bible, was printed on this day – August 24, in 1455. No longer copied by hand and chained to pulpits, Gutenberg wrote of the Bible, “Let … [Read more...] about God and Property Rights Ousted from Schools
We Have An Honor Guard
Activists on the left have an incredible talent for vilifying those who disagree with their narrow vision of political correctness. President Donald Trump is the most glaring example of liberals’ attempt to take someone they dislike and … [Read more...] about We Have An Honor Guard
Students Compel University to Drop Speech Restrictions
Members of the Students for Life chapter at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania have compelled university officials to agree to stop censoring student speech based on “content.” This victory comes after an employee was caught erasing the … [Read more...] about Students Compel University to Drop Speech Restrictions
Immigrants Not Taught Freedom Of Religion
Liberals keep trying to sneak political correctness into America any way they can. We should not be surprised that they have targeted the study materials for the civics portion of the naturalization exam. Study materials have now changed references … [Read more...] about Immigrants Not Taught Freedom Of Religion
Choosing Between ‘Fear or Freedom’
In his March 23, 1983 televised address, President Ronald Reagan called for the American people to pursue a bold plan to launch a new missile defense program which would render Soviet nuclear armaments obsolete. He said, “The defense policy of … [Read more...] about Choosing Between ‘Fear or Freedom’
Unmasking the ‘Opinion-Makers’
Most people will tell you not blame the messenger, but Donald Trump is quickly proving that adage to be false in one very important case. The messengers known as the mainstream media have certainly done a lot to deserve the blame they are receiving. … [Read more...] about Unmasking the ‘Opinion-Makers’
Trump’s Supreme Victory at High Court
“Very grateful for the 9-0 decision from the U.S. Supreme Court. We must keep America SAFE!” Trump tweeted in celebration of the biggest victory by a president in the Supreme Court in a generation. Every Supreme Court Justice, liberal or … [Read more...] about Trump’s Supreme Victory at High Court
Checks and Balances Honored
Shortly after Trump became president he issued Executive Order No. 13780, entitled “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States,” but judicial activism initially prevented it from going into effect. In June, … [Read more...] about Checks and Balances Honored
The U.S.’s Most Controversial Decision
Every August, the debate erupts again about whether President Harry Truman was right or wrong in his decision to order the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. A new book by Wilson Miscambie called The Most Controversial Decision deals at length … [Read more...] about The U.S.’s Most Controversial Decision
Real Women’s Rights Protected
The defeat of ERA had an immense cultural impact in addition to these obvious legal and political benefits. It made it socially acceptable for mothers to spend time away from the workforce to raise their children, during a moment in our history when … [Read more...] about Real Women’s Rights Protected