In April 1990, the Berlin Wall was torn down, allowing East Germans to travel to their family, friends, and countrymen in the West for the first time since 1961. This wall, which served as the preeminent icon of Communist oppression, was not strong … [Read more...] about “˜A Time of Vindication and Rejoicing’
The Lacking Past of GOP Pardons
A decade ago Phyllis and others repeatedly urged President George W. Bush to pardon two courageous border patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean, who had been unjustly sentenced to 11 and 12 years in prison for doing their job in … [Read more...] about The Lacking Past of GOP Pardons
Pardon Shuts Down Judicial Activism
In pardoning Sheriff Joe Arpaio, President Trump illustrated why he is a cut above other politicians. Without waiting for judicial activism to drag on for years in the Ninth Circuit, Trump used his constitutional authority to stop the long-running … [Read more...] about Pardon Shuts Down Judicial Activism
Corporations React to DACA Dump
In September, President Trump released a plan to phase out the illegal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program (or DACA). In this release, Trump has not revoked anyone’s legal status, nor is anyone in danger of being “rounded … [Read more...] about Corporations React to DACA Dump
Ending DACA Restores the Rule of Law
President Trump delivered again on a campaign promise in September, by ending the unlawful Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA. This Obama-era executive order prevents deportation for illegal aliens who claim they were … [Read more...] about Ending DACA Restores the Rule of Law
The “˜Proven and Popular Formula’ For Child Care
When government daycare conspirators realized that pro-family Ronald Reagan would never approve of their anti-family proposals, many suggested the 1988 presidential election would become a referendum on what America wanted to do with their children. … [Read more...] about The “˜Proven and Popular Formula’ For Child Care
The Bible of the American Revolution
Did you know that Congress once printed Bibles? At the time of the American Revolution, the British government had strict laws about printing Bibles. Only a few printers were licensed to do so, and none of them was in the American colonies, so all … [Read more...] about The Bible of the American Revolution
Trump in Poland Recalls Nation’s History
President Donald Trump’s now-famous speech in Poland in July was brilliant not only for what Trump said, but where he said it. It’s no accident that President Trump chose Poland as the place for his powerful speech about civilization, … [Read more...] about Trump in Poland Recalls Nation’s History
Can We Save Western Civilization?
Can Western civilization survive? Does it even still exist? Liberal intellectuals have already retired that term to the proverbial “ash heap of history.” The riches of our Western heritage are no longer taught in schools, studied in … [Read more...] about Can We Save Western Civilization?
Giving Real “˜Choice’ In Education
The concept of capitalism is built on the premise that business doesn’t need to be adverse to the interests of the people. Another major premise of capitalism is that choice is generally good for people. Capitalism is an economic force which … [Read more...] about Giving Real “˜Choice’ In Education