The so-called Equal Rights Amendment is being pushed by feminists who claim it will be an important step toward solving all of women’s problems. When they talk about why we need it, they point to the standard feminist talking points like the debunked … [Read more...] about Anti-Science Feminists are Still Stuck in the 1970s
A Relic of the 1970s
The U.S. Congress and a few state legislatures are holding staged hearings on the failed Equal Rights Amendment, also known as the ERA. If you’ve never heard of it before, don’t feel too bad. Like disco music, long lines at gas stations, Jimmy … [Read more...] about A Relic of the 1970s
Gas Tax Increase Spells Disaster for 2020
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is still smarting from how President Trump is crushing their phony free trade agenda. Now it seems they have come up with the ultimate retaliation: they decided to propose something even dumber. The anti-Trumper Tom … [Read more...] about Gas Tax Increase Spells Disaster for 2020
Feminists Get A Lesson in the Free Market
Historically speaking, leftists aren’t big fans of the free market system of economics. They want to tax and regulate small businesses into oblivion. On top of this, they like to sue any surviving businesses who do not align with the liberal social … [Read more...] about Feminists Get A Lesson in the Free Market
UN Treaty Returns to Haunt Us
*Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // June 28, 2010* Unfortunately, unratified treaties never die; they don't even fade away. They just stay in the bottom drawer of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee forever so any globalist can later pick … [Read more...] about UN Treaty Returns to Haunt Us
The Most Important Census
The Trump Administration did all of America a favor by announcing their intention to put a question on the 2020 census asking about the citizenship status of the respondents. Democrats say the question will disenfranchise Latino voters, but there's a … [Read more...] about The Most Important Census
The Most Important Question
In the case of Department of Commerce v. New York, the U.S. Supreme Court will soon decide whether the 2020 census can ask about citizenship status. While this might seem innocent enough, Democrats are being their usual hyperbolic selves and acting … [Read more...] about The Most Important Question
The Most Important Case
The most important case before the Supreme Court could be decided any day now. At issue is whether the upcoming 2020 census will be allowed to include one very simple question: “Is this person a citizen of the United States?” As you might imagine, … [Read more...] about The Most Important Case
Does Feminism Cause Obesity?
Recently, a group of scientists in the United Kingdom made international headlines by releasing a study of 20,000 families and it had some less-than-politically correct findings. The study concluded that children whose mothers work outside the home … [Read more...] about Does Feminism Cause Obesity?
Anti-Religion Extremism in Federal Courts
*Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly / May 14, 2010* Federal judges not only manifest an anti-religion bias, but also a bias to uphold power of the public schools to take even more extreme anti-religion positions than the Constitution could … [Read more...] about Anti-Religion Extremism in Federal Courts