President Trump’s withdrawal of troops from Syria drew criticism from politicians in both parties, but it sent an unmistakable message that the United States is not going to be the world’s policeman anymore. Trump is a dealmaker to the core. He knows … [Read more...] about Getting Serious On Syria
America Bows To China’s Nike
Once upon a time, professional sports were popular entertainment free of political correctness. Fans and players could be themselves and say whatever they liked. Rivals were friendly and communities came together to cheer on their teams. Energetic … [Read more...] about America Bows To China’s Nike
Democrats: Where’s The Diversity?
When a nearly 70-year-old northeastern white woman senator was nominated by the Democrats for president in 2016, Hillary Clinton was overwhelmingly beaten by Donald Trump. For their rematch with Trump in 2020, liberals promised to turn to their … [Read more...] about Democrats: Where’s The Diversity?
NYC Stops Legal Terminology To Protect People’s Feelings
In case you were wondering whether the left could make their thinking any more convoluted, have I got a story for you. The New York City Commission on Human Rights has officially declared the law to be illegal. Yes, you heard me right. Merely using … [Read more...] about NYC Stops Legal Terminology To Protect People’s Feelings
Thanksgiving — the Unique American Feast Day
*Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // November 2009* Thanksgiving is the unique American feast day. The Thanksgiving Proclamation signed by President George Washington was the first official presidential proclamation ever issued in the … [Read more...] about Thanksgiving — the Unique American Feast Day
The Thanksgiving Miracle of ‘79
Thanksgiving is a day set aside for the remembrance of the manifest blessings bestowed on our nation from our Heavenly Father. He has given so much to the people of the United States and He deserves to be honored for it. One of those blessings for … [Read more...] about The Thanksgiving Miracle of ‘79
Feminists Still Want A Gender-Neutral America
Anti-feminist icons like Phyllis Schlafly warned Americans for years that liberals wanted to destroy every distinction between men and women that is recognized by our society. Pro-family advocates warned of gender-neutral bathrooms and men in … [Read more...] about Feminists Still Want A Gender-Neutral America
College Boots Pledge of Allegiance
The student government at the University of Oklahoma has officially passed a resolution banning the Pledge of Allegiance from its meetings. Unfortunately, they aren’t the first school to do this. It’s part of a disturbing trend in academia to remove … [Read more...] about College Boots Pledge of Allegiance
Experience Is A Harsh Teacher
Some students just can’t seem to understand a lesson no matter how many times you teach it to them. It’s very sad to see. It’s especially sad when the student is the University of Iowa. In an important federal court ruling, the University of Iowa was … [Read more...] about Experience Is A Harsh Teacher
‘Climate Change’ Analysis Now Required
**Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly, 11/30/2010** A "climate change" analysis is now required for most new projects initiated by the National Forest System, which is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This new rule is now … [Read more...] about ‘Climate Change’ Analysis Now Required