Most of America has heard of Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who spends her time traveling around telling world leaders to either destroy their countries economies right now or watch the world collapse in a colossal ball of flame. Most world … [Read more...] about Mnuchin Tells Greta What’s We’re All Thinking
The Achievement Gap Unmasked
Nobody denies that there is an “achievement gap” between black and white students in our public schools. It isn’t partisan to want to find a solution to this problem. Where parties do differ is what solution we should embrace. Liberals predictably … [Read more...] about The Achievement Gap Unmasked
Bernie’s Communist Cohorts
If you think so-called “Democratic Socialists” are okay because they put the word “Democratic” in the name, think again. The kind of revolution being called for by Bernie Sanders is as ancient as the man himself. His most recent campaign is just a … [Read more...] about Bernie’s Communist Cohorts
Gloria Is Seeing Nazis
Gloria Steinem has been shilling out the propaganda of radical feminism for decades. Back in the 1970s, Phyllis Schlafly debunked so many of Gloria’s lies that Gloria Steinem started to refuse to debate Phyllis Schlafly. In a new interview with … [Read more...] about Gloria Is Seeing Nazis
What Does Feminism Mean?
*Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // 2009* Many people don't know what it means to be a feminist. The premier feminist organization, the National Organization for Women (known as NOW), has just helpfully spelled out what it calls the … [Read more...] about What Does Feminism Mean?
The Immigration-Census Connection
Liberals are great at the art of the long con. They look far down the field when they choose policy priorities. Illegal immigration is a great example of this. Democrats spent decades doing everything in their power to import illegal aliens to our … [Read more...] about The Immigration-Census Connection
Democrats’ Anti-Gun Strategy Revealed
Virginia Democrats wasted no time in using their newfound majority to throw their weight behind flagrant violations of the Second Amendment. The gun control agenda supported by Virginia Democrats includes broad “red flag” provisions. They would let … [Read more...] about Democrats’ Anti-Gun Strategy Revealed
The Hollywood Tragedy Of ERA
The current political tragedy being masked as “equality” is the kind of stuff that belongs in Shakespeare. Young girl athletes who work to be awarded scholarships and create a better life for themselves are being threatened by men who want to take … [Read more...] about The Hollywood Tragedy Of ERA
The Leftist Hypocrisy On Gender Differences
There’s a distinct hypocrisy when it comes to the leftists’ views of men and women. On the one hand, they say women are uniquely valuable as a crucial part of our society. On the other hand, they say women are interchangeable with men and have no … [Read more...] about The Leftist Hypocrisy On Gender Differences
The Most Powerful Office Is Not the President
**Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // March 2010** Do you know that the most powerful office in the United States is not the President? Indeed, the most powerful man in the world is the U.S. President, but the presidency is not the most … [Read more...] about The Most Powerful Office Is Not the President