Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · November 6 | Why Aren't College Students Patriotic? If your son or daughter is taking college courses at home, you might feel a lot better than if they were hundreds of miles away on some distant college campus. … [Read more...] about Why Aren’t College Students Patriotic?
Where Is the Threat to World Peace?
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · November 5 | Where Is The Threat To World Peace? *Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // November 2012* The gravest threat to world peace today comes from the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological … [Read more...] about Where Is the Threat to World Peace?
Leftists Love Violence
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · November 4 | Leftists Love Violence We would all like to think the best of people. Particularly in America, people assume that everyone else is willing to condemn political violence just like they are. Unfortunately, that … [Read more...] about Leftists Love Violence
How History Is Made
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · November 3 | How History Is Made Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli is quoted as having said, “History is made by those who show up.” Disraeli’s words could never be more true than on Election Day. Today, … [Read more...] about How History Is Made
A Christian Perspective On Voting
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · November 2 | A Christian Perspective On Voting In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells a parable about three servants who were all given some money to steward. Two of the men invested what had been given to them and doubled … [Read more...] about A Christian Perspective On Voting
Trump Kept His Promise To Defund Planned Parenthood
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · October 30 | Trump Kept His Promise To Defund Planned Parenthood At the Republican primary debate in Houston on February 25, 2016, Donald Trump said “I would defund [Planned Parenthood] because of the abortion factor, … [Read more...] about Trump Kept His Promise To Defund Planned Parenthood
Where Have American Jobs Gone?
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · October 29 | Where Have American Jobs Gone? *Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // October 2011* Unemployment is the biggest issue in the United States today, and we are looking for leaders who … [Read more...] about Where Have American Jobs Gone?
Trump Kept His Promise To Create VA Hotline
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · October 28 | Trump Kept His Promise To Create VA Hotline It is no big secret that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has not always lived up to its mission of providing veterans with the care and assistance they … [Read more...] about Trump Kept His Promise To Create VA Hotline
Trump Kept His Promise To Return Other Nations’ Criminals
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · October 27 | Trump Kept His Promise To Return Other Nations' Criminals Candidate Donald Trump’s Contract With The American Voter promised that he would not only deport criminal illegal aliens, but that he would “cancel … [Read more...] about Trump Kept His Promise To Return Other Nations’ Criminals
Trump Kept His Promise To Build The Wall
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · October 26 | Trump Kept His Promise To Build The Wall All Americans remember the chants from Trump’s 2016 campaign pleading for him to “Build That Wall!” In many ways, building a wall along the southern border became … [Read more...] about Trump Kept His Promise To Build The Wall