The Spiro Agnew affair has caused shock waves among his friends who never guessed he could be guilty, and also among his enemies who think he was let off too easy. Actually, however, Agnew is not the first high Government official, nor even the … [Read more...] about AVOIDING INCOME TAXES
On August 14 the U.S. Export-Import Bank sold $300 million worth of five-year Government debentures. The banks and corporations which bought them received the very attractive interest rate of 8.3 5 percent, plus certain tax privileges; and they are … [Read more...] about THE EXPORT-IMPORT BANK
Why Brezhnev Came to America — July 1973
The High Cost of Foreign Giveaways — May 1973
What’s Wrong With Red Trade? — August 1971
“The Naked Capitalist” — April 1971
"The Naked Capitalist" The Naked Capitalist is the name of a new book by W. Cleon Skousen. It is "must" reading for anyone who has the intellectual curiosity to find out:-Why do some of the richest people in the world support Communism and … [Read more...] about “The Naked Capitalist” — April 1971
Democrat Scandals in the Closet — January 1971