One of the many good effects we can hope for from the recent passage of the new amendments to the Freedom of Information Act is the declassification and release of State Department documents spelling out the full extent of U.S. foreign aid, and what … [Read more...] about FOREIGN HANDOUTS
Attorney General William B. Saxbe recently stated that, if the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service were given an additional $50 million appropriation, it could round up and deport one million illegal aliens now in the United States. That … [Read more...] about ILLEGAL ALIENS
Simas Kudirka’s Gift to America — December 1974
A number of recent items in the news indicate that President Ford and Secretary of State Kissinger may be signaling a significant shift in U.S. policy toward Fidel Castro's Cuba. Such a shift in policy would be extremely costly both to our national … [Read more...] about POLICY TOWARD CASTRO
Like many other Americans this month, I have been receiving campaign literture from eager candidates hoping to get my vote in the. November election. Last week I received' a very unusual campaign brochure. Under the candidate's picture and name, … [Read more...] about ROCKEFELLER’S GIFTS
How ERA Will Affect Social Security — October 1974
How Government Causes High Prices — October 1974
Rockefeller’s Record of Rule or Ruin — September 1974
The old adage “you can't teach an old dog new tricks" may be headed for the scrap heap. The big-spending liberals are finally becoming disillusioned with U.S. foreignaid to India. It has taken 25 years and $10 billion to teach them that this is a … [Read more...] about AID TO INDIA
One of the minor irritations that affect millions of people is the steady deterioration in the Post Office. A few of us can remember when we had twice-a-day home mail delivery, next day service, and frequent pickups at mail boxes all over town. … [Read more...] about POSTAL COMPETITION