The alleged demand for the Federal Government to initiate a giant daycare apparatus, with all the trappings of new bureaucracy and regulation, is a creation of the media who are pursuing a liberal agenda and of special-interest groups which seek to … [Read more...] about Look Who’s Lobbying for Federal Daycare
Grading President Bush
A Newsweek columnist has just presumed to give a school grade to the President, deciding that George Bush deserves only the mediocre grade of “C” on his economic policies. On the budget deficit, however, this presumptuous writer gives Bush a “D” … [Read more...] about Grading President Bush
The Injustice of Raising Taxes
The night hardly passes without television newscasts and newspapers embellishing some story with a “spin” demanding that President Bush agree to raise taxes in order to increase aid to the poor (or the homeless, or the students, or the elderly, or … [Read more...] about The Injustice of Raising Taxes
Insolvable Problems of Federal Daycare — July 1989
Philip Morris Gets Off Base
Philip Morris Companies Inc. stock has experienced a dramatic increase in price during the last six months, but stockholders hope that its smart business strategy will not be infected by the silliness of its public affairs department. RM commissioned … [Read more...] about Philip Morris Gets Off Base
Eliminate Tax Deductions for Foreign Loans and Losses
Rescheduling and convertibility are not exactly household words, but they may become so soon. Those are the names for the mechanisms by which some big U.S. banks and businesses are planning on making a tidy profit by using American taxpayers’ and … [Read more...] about Eliminate Tax Deductions for Foreign Loans and Losses
The Challenge of Child Care Costs — February 1989
George Bush is Right About Taxes
The pro-tax lobby and big media have been engaged since the election in a massive campaign to convince the American people (a) that George Bush’s solemn anti-tax pledge was a phony and (b) that tax increases are essential and inevitable in order to … [Read more...] about George Bush is Right About Taxes
Just Say NO to Tax Increases — January 1989
The Family: Preserving America’s Future — February 1988