It's Time to Have Real Tax Cuts At last somebody in government has stepped out from the crowd and said what Americans have been waiting to hear, namely, that he has a plan to cut and simplify our oppressive tax burden and let us spend our own money … [Read more...] about It’s Time to Have Real Tax Cuts — February 1998
At Last Somebody’s Talking about Real Tax Cuts
At last somebody in government has stepped out from the crowd and said what Americans have been waiting to hear, namely, that he has a plan to cut and simplify our oppressive tax burden and let us spend our own money any way we want to spend it. … [Read more...] about At Last Somebody’s Talking about Real Tax Cuts
Congress Should Just Say No to IMF Funding
While most Americans were celebrating Christmas and exchanging gifts with family members, Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin spent Christmas Eve at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York conniving to force the American taxpayers to give gifts of … [Read more...] about Congress Should Just Say No to IMF Funding
No Exit from Bosnia; It Was Planned That Way
President George Bush reneged on the most famous campaign pledge of modern times ("No new taxes; read my lips") after his adviser Richard Darman told him, "Nobody believed that anyway." Bush discovered that, on the contrary, people did believe him … [Read more...] about No Exit from Bosnia; It Was Planned That Way
Why Are Republicans Now Backing Clintoncare?
Memories are short. Some Republicans don't seem to remember why they captured control of Congress away from the Democrats in 1994 for the first time in four decades. A major factor in that landmark victory was the American people's decisive rejection … [Read more...] about Why Are Republicans Now Backing Clintoncare?
The Primary Republican Mission Is to Cut Taxes
It was a political earthquake in 1994 when the Republicans won a majority in Congress for the first time in four decades. Three years later, there is no joy in Mudville because the mighty Republican Congress has struck out. Republicans were … [Read more...] about The Primary Republican Mission Is to Cut Taxes
Can We Sustain the UN’s Sustainable Goals?
It looks as though American taxpayers may be suckered into paying an additional $819 million to the United Nations on the UN's promise to "reform." It should be a good rule of thumb for legislators to vote No on anything labeled reform because it … [Read more...] about Can We Sustain the UN’s Sustainable Goals?
Americans Are Suspicious of Government
Ordinarily I don't pay much attention to public opinion polls, but a recent one deserves comment. A Scripps Howard News Service/Ohio University national survey discovered that the majority of Americans believe that our government is guilty of big … [Read more...] about Americans Are Suspicious of Government
Beware of Gifted and Talented Invitations
Any parent will puff up with pride when the school says that his child is "gifted and talented" and should be promoted into a special class with other talented students. But parents would be well advised to disregard the ancient maxim, Don't look a … [Read more...] about Beware of Gifted and Talented Invitations
Time to Cut the Cost of Big Government
July 3 has been designated as "Cost of Government Day 1997" by a number of Governors and organizations in the hope that this will alert Americans to the fact that we work more than half of the year, up until the first days of the seventh month, to … [Read more...] about Time to Cut the Cost of Big Government