… [Read more...] about Double Standards in Academie Freedom — June 1983
The Bishops and the Nuclear Freeze — January 1983
Prayer in Public Schools — July 1982
Christians and Presidential Campaigns
The evangelical and fundamentalist Christians are making the politicians very nervous and making presidential politics very interesting. President and Mrs. Carter held a special strategy meeting in the White House last month to discuss how to cope … [Read more...] about Christians and Presidential Campaigns
What kind of living conditions would you find so intolerable that, to escape them, you would voluntarily assume a high risk of losing your life and the lives of your spouse and children, and even with the best of luck you would surely lose all your … [Read more...] about HOW MUCH IS FREEDOM WORTH?
Academic freedom and educational diversity won a great victory when the U.S.Senate voted to block the Internal Revenue Service from implementing its proposedregulation threatening the tax-deductible status of thousands of private and … [Read more...] about ACADEMIC FREEDOM VICTORY
"Excessive greatness of a town," "multitude of corporations," and too much "ghostly authority" or power of organized religion were listed by the 17th-century British political philosopher Thomas Hobbes among infirmities of a commonwealth. He … [Read more...] about NEED FOR “PEOPLE-SIZED” INSTITUTIONS
In The Name Of Education — December 1976
Most Congressional bills or amendments that pass one House but are not voted on in the other House die quietly without further controversy. An exception to this rule is an amendment to the educationbill proposed by Congressman John Conlan which would … [Read more...] about SECULAR HUMANISM
Religion in Politics
In 1960 the winning presidential candidate, John F. Kennedy, went to great pains to put distance between himself and his church and to reassure every questioner that his religion would never interfere with his judgment as President. His campaign … [Read more...] about Religion in Politics