All the bad deals made by the late Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, unfortunately, did not die with him in his tragic plane crash. His deal to betray our unique American patent system, which we thought we killed in the 105th Congress, has been … [Read more...] about Don’t Fall for Phony “Patent Reform”
The Taj Mahal Could Be the Tomb of Our Patent System
The elaborate marble mausoleum in India called the Taj Mahal, one of the world's most extravagant monuments, was built as the tomb of an emperor's favorite wife. The proposed new building complex to house the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) … [Read more...] about The Taj Mahal Could Be the Tomb of Our Patent System
The Ominous Attack on American Inventors
The high-priced lobbyists for the big multinationals are crawling all over Capitol Hill this month to urge passage of Senator Orrin Hatch's bill, S.507. It is called the Omnibus Patent bill, but it ought to be called the Ominous Patent bill because … [Read more...] about The Ominous Attack on American Inventors
The Ominous Attack on American Inventors — March 1998
The Ominous Attack on American Inventors The high-priced lobbyists for the big multinationals are crawling all over Capitol Hill this month to urge passage of Senator Orrin Hatch's bill, S.507. It is called the Omnibus Patent bill, but it ought to … [Read more...] about The Ominous Attack on American Inventors — March 1998
Nobel Laureates Denounce Hatch’s Patent Bill
President Clinton's Council on Sustainable Development, whose chief current goal is to promote public acceptance of the Climate Change Treaty that Clinton will sign in December in Kyoto, is attempting to kill two birds with one stone by linking the … [Read more...] about Nobel Laureates Denounce Hatch’s Patent Bill
Hatch’s Attack on Inventors’ Constitutional Rights
Fast track for NAFTA expansion, Most Favored Nation status for China, and foreign aid are all issues that pit the internationalist ideologues and multinationals against grassroots Americans and small business. But the issue that marks this division … [Read more...] about Hatch’s Attack on Inventors’ Constitutional Rights
What Americans Owe to Inventors — July 1997
What Americans Owe to Inventors The American Revolution gave us independence and political and religious liberty, but economic conditions had changed very little in thousands of years. Then, suddenly, in the short space of two centuries, America … [Read more...] about What Americans Owe to Inventors — July 1997
The Patent Fight Gets Ugly
The House rejected the major provisions of the Howard Coble (R-NC) Patent bill, H.R.400, on April 24 by adopting the Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) amendment 220 to 193. But diehard H.R.400 supporters are letting it be known that they plan to circumvent the … [Read more...] about The Patent Fight Gets Ugly
Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights! — May 1997
Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights! One of our most important constitutional rights is the right of inventors to have, for limited times, "the exclusive right to their . . . discoveries." This uniquely American … [Read more...] about Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights! — May 1997
Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights!
One of our most important constitutional rights is the right of inventors to have, for limited times, "the exclusive right to their . . . discoveries." This uniquely American provision in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution … [Read more...] about Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights!