… [Read more...] about Are Schools and Colleges Worth Their Cost? — May 1974
Social Security has been considered a sacred cow which no politician dares to criticize. Yet, there is one feature of the Social Security Law which is highly unjust to more than 2 ½ million citizens between the ages of 65 and 72. A person over 65 … [Read more...] about SOCIAL SECURITY
Polls and commentators keep reminding us that Watergate has caused the American people to lose faith in their government leaders. But this dark cloud has one bright silver lining. The public's loss of faith in government officials has been … [Read more...] about CUT FEDERAL BUDGET
Playboy And Rockefeller Foundations Finance ERA — April 1974
When Defense Secretary James Schlesinger presented his massive annual report to Congress earlier this month, it included the momentous announcement that the Pentagon is making plans to evacuate millions of Americans from 250 urban areas in times of … [Read more...] about EVACUATION OF CITIES
The kidnapping of Patricia Hearst proves that there are subversive conspiracies which threaten our internal security and the lives of individual Americans. But where do we turn to find out something about her kidnappers, the Symbionese Liberation … [Read more...] about HOUSE INTERNAL SECURITY COMMITTEE
One of the things I don't understand about the press in the United States is why the same story is not considered news when reported by a distinguished American scholar, but is considered big newsworthy of two pages in PARADE Magazine after it … [Read more...] about ACE REPORTER: SOLZHENITSYN
For almost 40 years, the most feared man in Washington was not the President, not the head of the FBI, not even the head of the Internal Revenue Service. It was a columnist whose only weapon was his typewriter. His disclosures drove men from public … [Read more...] about DREW PEARSON
Conservatives, Let Down Your Nets For The Catch — March 1974
Conservatives, Let Down Your Nets For The Catch Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have … [Read more...] about Conservatives, Let Down Your Nets For The Catch — March 1974
The passion for secrecy, which has prompted President Nixon and his White House aides to deny information and documents to Congressional committees and to the courts, is unfortunately not limited to Watergate. We now find that President Nixon and Dr. … [Read more...] about SECRECY/JOINT CHIEFS