As we begin to celebrate the 200th anniversary of our country, it is well to reflect on the unique checks and balances in our Constitution. The Founding Fathers took great care to prevent either the Executive Branch or the Congress from becoming too … [Read more...] about Federal Courts
Child-Care Responsibility – Family or State? — October 1975
Sexist Mischief in Schools and Colleges — September 1975
Electoral College
The Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments recently approved a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution which would eliminate the Electoral College and replace it with a direct popular national election in which the U.S. President would … [Read more...] about Electoral College
The Federal Housing Fiasco — August 1975
Parent-Locator Law
Congress has finally demonstrated that it can, if it so chooses, crack down on some of the nonsense and waste in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and force the bureaucrats to comply with a sensible program that is beneficial to the … [Read more...] about Parent-Locator Law
The ancient Roman emperors used circuses and games to divert the people from addressing themselves to the possibility of self-government. The last four American Presidents have given us manned space spectaculars to divert Congress and the voters … [Read more...] about Apollo-Soyuz
Theories of Creation
Many newspaper articles and television segments in the past few weeks have marked the fiftieth anniversary of the famous Scopes trial in Tennessee -- that dramatic courtroom confrontation between the theory of evolution according to Darwin and … [Read more...] about Theories of Creation
Capital Gains Tax
More than 90 percent of all work in the United States is done by machinery. Without this machinery, there would be no automobiles, trucks, railroads., electric power and appliances, telephones, or the many things that give Americans the highest … [Read more...] about Capital Gains Tax
Postcard Registration
If you thought the spenders in Washington have already devised every possible way to spend our tax dollars, you are wrong. They are working overtime to establish a brand new bureaucracy called the Voter Registration Administration whose principal … [Read more...] about Postcard Registration