Maine and Vermont have given way to New Hampshire as the bellwether of presidential politics. As the state with the first real primary in a presidential election year, New Hampshire has assumed an importance that frustrates politicians and baffles … [Read more...] about New Hampshire Primary
Capital Punishment
Probably the most important decision the U.S. Supreme Court will hand down during 1976 will be its determination of the constitution ality of capital punishment. The Supreme Court recently agreed to hear the appeals of six criminals who have been … [Read more...] about Capital Punishment
E.R.A. and Women’s Colleges — February 1976
Federal Election Act
As a result of the Watergate scandals, Congress was under in tense pressure to "do something" to eliminate campaign abuses. Whenever the Federal Government undertakes to "do something" about any problem, you can bet that it will cost us more … [Read more...] about Federal Election Act
4¢ on the Dollar
Among the qualifications necessary to be elected President of the United States, it would seem that paying your debts and your taxes in full would be a sine qua non. Most of us work hard to pay both, and there aren't any loopholes the average citizen … [Read more...] about 4¢ on the Dollar
Merchant Marine
One reason why the United States has dropped from first place to tenth on the list of major merchant marine fleets of the world, while the Soviet Union has risen from tenth to seventh place, is buried in a report released recently b.y the U.S. Senate … [Read more...] about Merchant Marine
The Ripoff of the Taxpayers Known As: The Commission On International Women’s Year or, Bella Abzug’s Boondoggle — January 1976
American Election Procedures — January 1976
Churches and Capitalism
The National Council of Churches took some gratuitous swipes at capitalism recently when it sponsored a gathering called "An Ecumenical Consultation on Domestic Hunger." The delegates announced their belief that "a basic contradiction exists between … [Read more...] about Churches and Capitalism
Short Work Weeks
When federal, state or local governments are faced with the awful necessity of cutting down expenditures, their customary reaction is to cut off essential services first, so as to force the taxpayers to cough up more money. It was a breath of fresh … [Read more...] about Short Work Weeks