A recent resolution introduced into the Illinois Legislature dramatically illustrates the injustice of failing to impose the death penalty for heinous crimes. In Chicago on the night of July 14, 1966, a vicious criminal named Richard Speck … [Read more...] about Speck and Early Parole
There is a new slogan sprouting on automobile bumpers that says: "If you like the Postal Service, you'll love nationalized oil." It is a measure of public disaffection with ever slower and ever more costly mail delivery that it has become a … [Read more...] about POSTAL MONOPOLY
One of the best ways that the Federal budget could be reduced to save the taxpayers money is to cut our appropriation to the United Nations. We are paying far too high a price for a sentimental loyalty to an organization that has violated its own … [Read more...] about UN FAILURE
How To Cope With TV and Radio Bias — April 1976
How To Celebrate The Bicentennial — April 1976
National Debt
There are more candidates for President this year than anyone can remember. All are looking for important issues to identify themselves with the voters. Yet there is one very important issue no candidate discusses. It is the no-no of the 1976 … [Read more...] about National Debt
Mogens Glistrup
The third largest political party in Denmark is headed by Mogens Glistrup. His domestic policy is to eliminate nearly all taxes. His foreign policy is to abolish Denmark's military defense and replace it with one man who, in case of a Soviet attack … [Read more...] about Mogens Glistrup
The First Ladies of the Legislatures — March 1976
Article III of the United States Constitution says that the compensation of Federal judges "shall not be diminished during their continuance in office." Forty-four Federal judges have just sued the Federal Government, charging that, because of … [Read more...] about 44 SUING JUDGES
The Mess in HEW
What is the biggest mess in Washington today? Some say it is the high-crime areas. Others say it is the postal system with its increasing deficits, higher postal rates, and decreasing service. It is more probable that this dubious title belongs to … [Read more...] about The Mess in HEW