… [Read more...] about It’s Obscene To Call Such Stuff “Art” — May 1990
Promises to “Fix” the Religious Daycare Issue
One of the several reasons why Congress left the Hawkins and Downey daycare bills twisting in the wind at the time of the Christmas recess was a failure to agree on how to handle the ticklish issue of religious daycare. At least a third of … [Read more...] about Promises to “Fix” the Religious Daycare Issue
How to Spend the Peace Dividend
A combination of President Bush’s “read my lips” determination to veto any tax increases plus the shadow of the federal deficit has kept the liberal Democratic Congress from initiating any new spending program. But now, rash talk of a “peace … [Read more...] about How to Spend the Peace Dividend
How To Spend the Peace Dividend — March 1990
A “New Age” for Privacy-Invading Psychiatry — February 1990
Look Who’s Lobbying for Federal Daycare
The alleged demand for the Federal Government to initiate a giant daycare apparatus, with all the trappings of new bureaucracy and regulation, is a creation of the media who are pursuing a liberal agenda and of special-interest groups which seek to … [Read more...] about Look Who’s Lobbying for Federal Daycare
Who’s Unhappy The Cold War Is Over? — January 1990
Look Who’s Lobbying For Federal Daycare — January 1990
Censorship of Religious Songs
An indignant parent appeared before the Mayfield City School Board in Cleveland, Ohio recently because the 4th grade daughter Kristen had been prohibited from singing “Jesus Put a song in My Heart” at a purely voluntary school talent show. School … [Read more...] about Censorship of Religious Songs
Insights Into Feminist Ideology — December 1989