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The Question of Motives
Hour after hour, the Democratic members of the Judiciary Committee and the media commentators kept saying that Anita Hill “must be credible because she didn't have anything to gain" by making those sordid charges against Clarence Thomas. As Senator … [Read more...] about The Question of Motives
Exposing the Continuing Obscenities of the NEA
Three cheers for Jesse Helms! He made the U.S. Senators vote very specifically on how they are spending the taxpayers’ money. The refrain of an old popular song was probably ringing in their ears: “I didn’t wanna do it. I didn’t wanna do it.” It … [Read more...] about Exposing the Continuing Obscenities of the NEA
Americans Are Angry About Taxes — September 1991
NEA Disrespect for Home and Parents — August 1991
How to Cut Taxes and Spending
The American people have tried various ways to cut federal spending, to no avail, Congress has consistently refused to pass a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. So what is the long-suffering taxpayer to do? Senator John McCain … [Read more...] about How to Cut Taxes and Spending
Americans do not Support Liberal Programs
A revealing article in this month's Mother Jones magazine exposes the elitism and cynicism of the liberals. In their hearts, they really believe they should have the authority to direct our lives and spend our money, and they disdain the democratic … [Read more...] about Americans do not Support Liberal Programs
Tax Fairness for Families
Taxation was the issue that provoked America’s Declaration of Independence and now, two centuries later, taxes are still the fundamental issue causing public disaffection with government. The right to spend. our own hard-earned money -- rather than … [Read more...] about Tax Fairness for Families
Does One Size Fit All?
One of the characters in ancient Greek mythology, Procrustes, invented the “one size fits all” mentality. He captured travelers and put them on an iron bed. If their legs were too long, he amputated them to fit; if they were too short, he would … [Read more...] about Does One Size Fit All?
It’s Time to Abolish the “Ministry of Art”
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has just demonstrated again its complete irresponsibility and contempt for the American people. Chairman John Frohnmayer held an arrogant news conference in Washington last week where he went all out to … [Read more...] about It’s Time to Abolish the “Ministry of Art”