"I want each and every one of you to know with certainty that, when you stand up to the privatizers and the voucher pushers, you'll have behind you every bit of support that this organization can muster." That "every bit of support" started with a … [Read more...] about Joycelyn Elders is a Bad Choice
Congress Promotes Decadence
The good news is that 20 more Congressmen than last year voted to defund the National Endowment for the Arts. The bad news is that the House voted 322 to 105 to reward that contemptible agency with $130,000 more of the taxpayers' money than it spent … [Read more...] about Congress Promotes Decadence
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Feminist Extremism
Ruth Bader Ginsburg's writings reveal her as an advocate of the extremist feminist notion that any differentiation whatsoever on account of gender should be unconstitutional. Her radical views are made clear in a book called "sex Bias in the U.S. … [Read more...] about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Feminist Extremism
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Feminist World View — July 1993
Violence and Sex on TV Have Gone Too Far
Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Association of America, told a Senate Judiciary subcommittee this month, "I refuse to believe that the cruelties visited on this Republic can be blamed on television." He was defending Hollywood against … [Read more...] about Violence and Sex on TV Have Gone Too Far
Hillary, Health Care, and “Remolding” Government — June 1993
The Easter Resurrection of the Republicans
A new day has dawned for Republicans. After being humiliated in the election last November, Republicans have come back to life. And it's such a surprise, not only to the Democrats and to the media, but even to the Republicans themselves. Nobody … [Read more...] about The Easter Resurrection of the Republicans
Taxes and Tactics of the Class War — April 1993
Clinton’s Con Game About Taxable Income
Remember the movie “The Sting” about two good looking womanizers who hustled the gangster with a phony building that looked like a real betting parlor? At the end of the story, Paul Newman said to Robert Redford, “Nice con, Kid.” That’s what we … [Read more...] about Clinton’s Con Game About Taxable Income
Bill Clinton: Class Warrior
Who says a President from Arkansas can't be a class guy? In his sales campaign for his economic package, Bill Clinton is showing that he is the most effective practitioner of class warfare our country has seen since Franklin D. Roosevelt railed … [Read more...] about Bill Clinton: Class Warrior