Will Health Care Defeat Republicans in 1996? The defeat of Clinton’s Health Care bill last year was a big victory for Republicans and played a major role in-the election of a Republican Majority in Congress. Unfortunately, some Republicans … [Read more...] about Will Health Care Defeat Republicans in 1996? — June 1995
Let’s Punish Criminals, Not Snoop on Private Citizens
Are the Republicans in Congress going to roll over and let the Clinton Administration use the Oklahoma City tragedy as an excuse to establish a federal police state with unprecedented power to spy on and harass law-abiding citizens? President Clinton … [Read more...] about Let’s Punish Criminals, Not Snoop on Private Citizens
The Conference of the States Is Failing
The so-called Conference of the States (COS), which was originally planned to sail through state legislatures without controversy and even without hearings, and culminate in a media event in Philadelphia in October, is failing to get its resolutions … [Read more...] about The Conference of the States Is Failing
Conference of the States Is Losing in the States — May 1995
Conference of the States Is Losing in the States The so-called Conference of the States (COS), which was originally planned to sail through state legislatures without controversy and even without hearings, and culminate in a media … [Read more...] about Conference of the States Is Losing in the States — May 1995
It’s Time to Give Tax Reduction to Families
Among the many changes that have taken place in America over the past 40 years, the change in taxes is one of the most dramatic. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the federal tax code has been waging a silent war on traditional families, … [Read more...] about It’s Time to Give Tax Reduction to Families
What’s Wrong with “The Conference of the States”? — April 1995
What’s Wrong with “The Conference of the States”? Similar resolutions calling for a “Conference of the States” (COS) have been passed this year in at least four teen State Legislatures from Arizona to Virginia, defeated in more than twelve … [Read more...] about What’s Wrong with “The Conference of the States”? — April 1995
The Hot Topic in Iowa Is Not Taxes
The presidential candidates who think they can run on economics issues alone and avoid the cultural issues had better bypass Iowa, because the cultural issues are red hot there. It wasn't tax-and-spend issues that brought 1,500 voters out to a Des … [Read more...] about The Hot Topic in Iowa Is Not Taxes
Beware of the Conference of the States
The Conference of the States (COS), which is called "an action plan to restore balance in the federal system," is moving rapidly through State Legislatures. On the surface, this proposal looks like just a plan to support states' rights within our … [Read more...] about Beware of the Conference of the States
Last November's election was a mandate to cut federal spending - not just a desire for Balanced Budget Amendment promises, but a mandate to wield the ax. The American voters have finally awakened to the fact that Big Government can't solve our … [Read more...] about OF COURSE, CONGRESS CAN CUT FEDERAL SPENDING!
Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending!
Last November's election was a mandate to cut federal spending - not just a desire for Balanced Budget Amendment promises, but a mandate to wield the ax. The American voters have finally awakened to the fact that Big Government can't solve our … [Read more...] about Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending!