We hope the appropriate government agencies will soon solve the recent terrorist crimes and punish the criminals. But all Americans who care about civil liberties should vigorously resist President Clinton's attempt to use the terrorist attacks as an … [Read more...] about Clinton Is Trying to be Big Brother
Senate Should Reject the Chemical Weapons Convention
The U.S. Senate should reject ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), a treaty that purports to ban chemical weapons and forbid their production, stockpiling, and use. Contrary to its announced purpose, this foolish treaty … [Read more...] about Senate Should Reject the Chemical Weapons Convention
Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights!
One of our most important constitutional rights is the right of inventors to have, for limited times, "the exclusive right to their . . . discoveries." This uniquely American provision in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution … [Read more...] about Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights!
MSAs Are The Alternative To HMOs
Why is the Republican leadership in Congress so strangely silent about the problems with Managed Care and HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations)? Why is the Republican leadership so lame in its defense of Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs), which are … [Read more...] about MSAs Are The Alternative To HMOs
Pupil Privacy Law Is Needed
The school establishment has suddenly discovered a bill that passed the House last year and is pending in the Senate which may interfere with plans to build files of personal information on public school pupils and their families. The Family Privacy … [Read more...] about Pupil Privacy Law Is Needed
Beware Of Con Con Hidden In Term Limits Petition
One of the most popular and successful grassroots movements of the last decade has been the movement for Term Limits. All polls show that more than 70 percent of Americans support Term Limits for Members of Congress. This majority is based on the … [Read more...] about Beware Of Con Con Hidden In Term Limits Petition
What’s Going On With Bob Dole’s Friends?
Why are the so-called Republican moderates undermining Bob Dole's presidential candidacy? Doesn't he have enough problems without his friends planting mines on his road to the White House? First, Governors Christine Whitman and Pete Wilson gave … [Read more...] about What’s Going On With Bob Dole’s Friends?
Is a Con Con Hidden in Term Limits? — May 1996
Is a Con Con Hidden in Term Limits? One of the most popular, successful, and genuine grassroots movements of the last decade has been the movement for Term Limits. All polls show that more than 70 percent of Americans support Term Limits for Members … [Read more...] about Is a Con Con Hidden in Term Limits? — May 1996
The Tide Is Turning Against Federal Education Bills
We've heard a lot about Republican plans to return power to the states. Bob Dole, in his stump speech, ostentatiously pulls a copy of the Tenth Amendment from his pocket, reminding us about the powers that are "reserved to the States respectively, or … [Read more...] about The Tide Is Turning Against Federal Education Bills
MSAs Are The Republicans’ Best Issue
What are Republicans going to do about the top election-year issue, which is jobs, wages and income? Real (inflation-adjusted) weekly wages have dropped almost 5 percent since 1979. Business spokesmen are trying to downplay this data by arguing … [Read more...] about MSAs Are The Republicans’ Best Issue