Last week in Philadelphia I stopped by to revisit Independence Hall, the cradle of our republic where the Declaration of Independence was signed and the United States Constitution was written. Something new has been added since the last time I saw … [Read more...] about Whose Heritage and Whose Land?
Don’t Let Janet Reno Read Our E-mail
The personal privacy of individual American citizens is rapidly eroding on every front. Advancing technology has made it easier for government agencies, the police, credit bureaus, telemarketers, and all sorts of nosy people to monitor where we are, … [Read more...] about Don’t Let Janet Reno Read Our E-mail
Americans Are Suspicious of Government
Ordinarily I don't pay much attention to public opinion polls, but a recent one deserves comment. A Scripps Howard News Service/Ohio University national survey discovered that the majority of Americans believe that our government is guilty of big … [Read more...] about Americans Are Suspicious of Government
Beware of Gifted and Talented Invitations
Any parent will puff up with pride when the school says that his child is "gifted and talented" and should be promoted into a special class with other talented students. But parents would be well advised to disregard the ancient maxim, Don't look a … [Read more...] about Beware of Gifted and Talented Invitations
Hatch’s Attack on Inventors’ Constitutional Rights
Fast track for NAFTA expansion, Most Favored Nation status for China, and foreign aid are all issues that pit the internationalist ideologues and multinationals against grassroots Americans and small business. But the issue that marks this division … [Read more...] about Hatch’s Attack on Inventors’ Constitutional Rights
Time to Cut the Cost of Big Government
July 3 has been designated as "Cost of Government Day 1997" by a number of Governors and organizations in the hope that this will alert Americans to the fact that we work more than half of the year, up until the first days of the seventh month, to … [Read more...] about Time to Cut the Cost of Big Government
What Americans Owe to Inventors — July 1997
What Americans Owe to Inventors The American Revolution gave us independence and political and religious liberty, but economic conditions had changed very little in thousands of years. Then, suddenly, in the short space of two centuries, America … [Read more...] about What Americans Owe to Inventors — July 1997
The Kelly Flinn Flim-Flam
Now we are told that adultery may pay off big for Kelly Flinn. The skillful media campaign managed by her attorney has made her such a celebrity "victim" that he's talking glibly of a book deal and a movie, as well as airline jobs. Dick Morris, … [Read more...] about The Kelly Flinn Flim-Flam
The Patent Fight Gets Ugly
The House rejected the major provisions of the Howard Coble (R-NC) Patent bill, H.R.400, on April 24 by adopting the Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) amendment 220 to 193. But diehard H.R.400 supporters are letting it be known that they plan to circumvent the … [Read more...] about The Patent Fight Gets Ugly
The Fakery Of “America Reads”
Colin Powell says that America has 15 million at-risk youths, and he has launched a massive national campaign of volunteerism to help them. We sincerely hope that some generous-spirited volunteers can make a difference in the lives of some of these … [Read more...] about The Fakery Of “America Reads”