The Ominous Attack on American Inventors The high-priced lobbyists for the big multinationals are crawling all over Capitol Hill this month to urge passage of Senator Orrin Hatch's bill, S.507. It is called the Omnibus Patent bill, but it ought to … [Read more...] about The Ominous Attack on American Inventors — March 1998
Watch out for Marriage Tax “Reform”
"The hottest tax cut in 1998" is the way some Congressmen are describing their infatuation with the notion of eliminating the so-called "marriage tax." But taxpayers should beware of the current political passion for targeted tax cuts rather than … [Read more...] about Watch out for Marriage Tax “Reform”
It’s Time to Have Real Tax Cuts — February 1998
It's Time to Have Real Tax Cuts At last somebody in government has stepped out from the crowd and said what Americans have been waiting to hear, namely, that he has a plan to cut and simplify our oppressive tax burden and let us spend our own money … [Read more...] about It’s Time to Have Real Tax Cuts — February 1998
Roe V. Wade at 25
Coincidental with the 25th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a new New York Times/CBS poll shows that, after 30 million abortions, our nation is just as troubled and irreconciled to its decision as ever. The people who pray daily that this divisive issue … [Read more...] about Roe V. Wade at 25
At Last Somebody’s Talking about Real Tax Cuts
At last somebody in government has stepped out from the crowd and said what Americans have been waiting to hear, namely, that he has a plan to cut and simplify our oppressive tax burden and let us spend our own money any way we want to spend it. … [Read more...] about At Last Somebody’s Talking about Real Tax Cuts
Congress Should Just Say No to IMF Funding
While most Americans were celebrating Christmas and exchanging gifts with family members, Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin spent Christmas Eve at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York conniving to force the American taxpayers to give gifts of … [Read more...] about Congress Should Just Say No to IMF Funding
No Exit from Bosnia; It Was Planned That Way
President George Bush reneged on the most famous campaign pledge of modern times ("No new taxes; read my lips") after his adviser Richard Darman told him, "Nobody believed that anyway." Bush discovered that, on the contrary, people did believe him … [Read more...] about No Exit from Bosnia; It Was Planned That Way
Why Are Republicans Now Backing Clintoncare?
Memories are short. Some Republicans don't seem to remember why they captured control of Congress away from the Democrats in 1994 for the first time in four decades. A major factor in that landmark victory was the American people's decisive rejection … [Read more...] about Why Are Republicans Now Backing Clintoncare?
National Tests Allow Clinton to Brainwash Students
President Clinton used veto threats to try to browbeat Congress into accepting national testing of schoolchildren because he knows that whoever writes the tests controls the curriculum, and his Administration's goal is, indeed, national control of … [Read more...] about National Tests Allow Clinton to Brainwash Students
Hillary Tries Touting a New Entitlement
Hillary Rodham Clinton should have just had a birthday cake and blown out 50 candles instead of staging what a White House spokesman called a "focused comeback" to proclaim what she described as a "frontier issue." The event sounded like a typical … [Read more...] about Hillary Tries Touting a New Entitlement