It's not often that a state attorney general declines to defend a state law. Kansas passed a law allowing its illegal aliens to attend its state universities at discount tuition rates, and some out-of-state citizens who have to pay higher tuition … [Read more...] about Taxpayer Subsidies For Illegal College Students
Problems With John Edwards
A presidential nominee's choice of a running mate is supposed to balance the ticket. John Edwards doesn't balance John Kerry's ticket ideologically, since they have the same ultra-liberal voting record. Or geographically, since Edwards … [Read more...] about Problems With John Edwards
Supreme Court Sides With Pornographers Again
Do you ever wonder why the internet is so polluted with pornography? The Supreme Court just reminded us why: it blocks every attempt by Congress to regulate the pornographers. From its ivory tower, the Court props open the floodgates for smut and … [Read more...] about Supreme Court Sides With Pornographers Again
How to Stop Judges’ Mischief about Marriage — July 2004
How to Stop Judges Mischief about Marriage STATEMENT OF PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY to the Subcommittee on the Constitution House Committee on the Judiciary June 24, 2004 The assault on the Defense of Marriage Act … [Read more...] about How to Stop Judges’ Mischief about Marriage — July 2004
Pots of Gold Behind Crosses and Ten Commandments
The supervisors of the great Los Angeles County decided to turn tail and run rather than fight a lawsuit threatened by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Why such weak-kneed response? Lawyers for the county ominously warned that the county … [Read more...] about Pots of Gold Behind Crosses and Ten Commandments
Protect America from Judicial Tyranny — June 2004
Protect America from Judicial Tyranny The Supremacists: The Tyranny of Judges and How to Stop It is the title of my new book, to be published in July. This book refutes the two colossal myths propagated by the legal … [Read more...] about Protect America from Judicial Tyranny — June 2004
Don’t Give Criminals A Sanctuary
A favorite argument of those who support amnesty for illegal aliens is: current laws can't be enforced (like Prohibition and the 55-mile-an-hour speed limit) so we might as well adjust to reality. That's about like telling a woman, you … [Read more...] about Don’t Give Criminals A Sanctuary
We Don’t Need Busybody Foreign Judges
With all the real atrocities going on in uncivilized countries around the world, one would think that any world court looking into violations of human rights would have enough to do without trying to tell the United States how to conduct our criminal … [Read more...] about We Don’t Need Busybody Foreign Judges
God Is Not So Easily Defeated
The atheists had their day before the Supreme Court, but they are not in good spirits about it. Their attempt to drive "one nation under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance now looks like a legal boomerang. A CBS poll reports that nine out … [Read more...] about God Is Not So Easily Defeated
Options For Dealing With Same-Sex Marriage Licenses
Congress overwhelmingly passed and President Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 1996, and there it rested peacefully on the law books until this year. Recent events are now placing the monkey squarely on the back of President … [Read more...] about Options For Dealing With Same-Sex Marriage Licenses